13 November, 2009

"2012" : Tsunamis and Vegas Destroyed

Las Vegas in the movie "2012"? Can you recognize those buildings? There are two featurettes below that I found interesting as the movie premieres tomorrow. The movie looks good. As an animation instructor all I can say is "Yay - more research for me".

Here we go...Water is one of the most difficult elements to animate, and in this movie, there is plenty of it. Its hard to control and difficult to make realistic. The featurette below talks about some of the processes involved in the creation of water. I saw this featurette a long time and ago, and felt the need to watch it again, its pretty cool to watch.

And since many you are from Las Vegas, here's the featurette that describes the process for destroying Las Vegas in the movie. See if you can recognize some of the buildings on the Strip. I saw Encore, Wynn and the Venetian. If you happen to check out the movie, let us know how you liked it.

Fire it up!


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