21 September, 2010

Shrunkenheadman 15 Year Reunion

Just recently, I had the pleasure of attending the 15 year reunion for the Shrunkenheadman Illustration/Animation Club of San Jose State University. The first night, a formal dinner and retrospective presentation was held at the Corinthian Event Center, and day 2, was held on campus. Current students attended the second day and it was great to meet them and to reconnect with old friends and colleagues. To this day, I'm proud to have been part of that club. The training, work ethic and the notion of helping each other continues to fuel me today. I'm posting the pictures from my tour for inspiration.

Keep up the great work guys, and fire it up!
Visit the Animation/Illustration Shrunkenheadman Club website here >>

Let's start by showing you where our famous logo came from...

and a shot from the formal event Saturday night, 500 Shrunkenheads in one room - lots of fun.

16 September, 2010

God of War III: Making Chimera

Chimera in Greek mythology is a creature that is part lion, goat and part snake, and is featured as one of the main obstacles in the Playstation's God of War III video game. This featurette is something that you will enjoy and learn a lot from. It features various interviews from all of the designers who contributed to the creature and it takes you through the many cool stages of development from conceptual development, modeling, animation and even fighting strategy - something you don't see very much these days.

Very nice and inspiring! Those of you who got a feeling for this conceptual art stuff, this is what you got to do, can you match this stuff? Yes, of course you can...just don't stop.

Fire it up and keep going! See ya'll at the top.

Ali - thanks for the heads up, and congrats on graduating.


15 September, 2010

Gatchaman: 2011

In the 80's, the show show was called G-Force. Well, we all know that the name was taken over by a bunch of hampsters, which is okay by me. Gatchaman is a little more catchy wouldn't you say. If you are big fans of the TV show from back in the day, I'm sure you'll enjoy this when it comes out.

11 September, 2010

Dragon Age 2: Trailer & Interview

Dragon fans, here's something coming down the firepit...can't stop watching this one. Its got great character design, animation, fight choreography and action packed editing that rivals film. Pay close attention to the camera movement. Nice work Dragon Age 2 .Crew. Can't wait for this game to come out - March 2011. To learn more about Dragon Age 2, click here >>.

And for something a little extra: Mike Laidlaw is a lead designer for Dragon Age 2, and in this interview, he gives insight into story structure, and unique programming concepts (2:55) new to the game. Enjoy.

07 September, 2010

Disko Studio

Redbull BC-one re-uploaded from Disko Animation on Vimeo.

Got an email from Ferdi, a 3D illustrator and animator based out of South Africa - Always a pleasure to get notes from abroad. His group is called Disko, he's got a great sense of storytelling, and a unique take on CG that is unique and aesthetically pleasing. I really like the Red Bull BC animations.

Check out his site by clicking this link here >>

01 September, 2010

Coyote Falls: WB 3D Animation

Really nice CG animation that captures the flair, exaggeration and spirit of the original Warner Bros. Road Runner cartoons that we all grew up with. Great to see that Mr. Coyote has never given up.

Keep an eye out for more of these animations in the theatres, each episode will be about 3 minutes in length...super geeeniusss.

Click here to learn more >>

Enjoy and Fire it Up!
