30 August, 2014

Martin Deschambault : Concept Art

Martin Deschambault is one of the best concept artists we've seen. His work is inspiring. He can draw and paint characters, environments and characters in simple painterly styles filled with mood and drama. We're proud his work can grace this blog.  You'll recognize the work he's done for Assassin's Creed and his Project 77 looks fantastic. To learn more about his work, check his website below.

26 August, 2014

Justin Oaksford

We really liked Justin's painting style, his sense of color and scale. Be sure to check out his site below:


Fire it up!

08 August, 2014

Glowei: Conceptual Painter

Glowei is a favorite artist of many students of mine, and is chosen to be the center of many artist presentation at our school. Everybody likes his attention to detail and the shear "badassness" of his characters, if that's a word. It is now. We really like how he came up the ranks, beginning as devoted "fan" artist, creating Blizzard illustrations on his own. He was discovered by the group and later became senior contributing member. We especially like his his Diablo work is incredible.

You can check out his work by visiting: http://sonsofthestorm.com/gallery.php?artist=glowei

Fire It Up!

Robh Ruppel : Concept Artist & Painter

Robh is a talented conceptual artist who has done work for Disney and Naughty Dog. His work has depth, detail, composition and beautiful light. Check out his website when you get a chance to learn more, have a napkin handy in case you drool.


Fire It Up! Randolf