28 May, 2013

Post Viz Documentary

Post Visualization is the process by which actual plates used in a film are given to a vfx artist. The vfx artist blocks in the animation to give the director/producer an actual working piece that exists within the current movie. From this point, refinement can occur. This documentary filmed in 2011 describes that process. We've actually been using it quite a bit, but nobody has articulated the process. This video does a great job in doing that. Fire It Up! Randolf

13 May, 2013

Matte Painting VFX Breakdown Reel : Carlos Nieto

If you are going to put matte painting examples in your reel, its a good idea to think ahead and to save the various layers of detail used to create your scene. Not only is it helpful to have the final composited shot, but if you can animate the various layers and assemble the piece, it lends insight and understanding into your creative process, especially to your attention to detail and presentation, in many cases this goes a long way. Check out Carlos' reel, not only are his examples very good, but he's included simple effective breakdowns for each. Well done. Fire It Up! Randolf